Alchemical Studies: Tracing Jung’s Fascination with Alchemy

$ 39,99


Discover the obscure fascination of Carl Jung with Alchemy.


Alchemy was to Carl Jung what the black monolith was to the prime apes in 2001: A Space Odyssey – a catalyst for a great leap forward. Alchemical Studies (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.13) is a compilation of five long essays that traces Jung’s intellectual exploration of alchemy from 1929 onward. This book serves both as an introduction and supplement to his major works on the subject, offering a comprehensive look into the creative process that led to his famous conception of individuation. .

From the foreword, readers would quickly establish that the book is not your standard introductory material meant for the casual reader. It is a rigorous and technical exposition that requires a bit of background information, but is very rewarding for those who have the patience and interest to follow through. However, the book is illustrated with 42 patients’ paintings and provides readers with an easy path to navigate the exploration of archetype and the self, concepts that are crucial to his brand of psychology. .

With the hardcover version at $110, the paperback is a more affordable option, priced at $39.99. The beautifully written essays included in Alchemical Studies are a window into the mind of one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, making it a must-have for anyone interested in alchemy, psychology, or history of ideas.


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