About me

So I was thinking about writing my first blog post, but I wasn’t really sure what to write about. So I just thought let’s introduce myself.

I am Tane, 29 years old, and I come from France. I lived my first two years of my life in a commune, without electricity, being self-sufficient. However, when I was two, my parents decided that living in society would be better for the children, so we moved to the Netherlands. My dad kept going to meditation retreats and my mom followed suit after a few years.

Fast forward a couple of years and I’m in high school, and I start to learn meditation too. I try it a little bit. When I go to uni (studying computer science and psychology), I have an hours bus drive every day, so I download some meditation app and get into meditation more. But the real deal starts when I do an NLP course in uni with some friends. We pirated a course and were working through the lectures and exercises at our own pace in the evening in the library.

Making step after step after step I grew in the spiritual journey until in 2020 I encountered a crisis which I aliken to the experiences Jung must have encountered in his crisis years, an encounter with the subconscious. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to write such a nice book about it as Jung has, but I can say it has changed me permanently. It was as being given the opportunity to start all over again from scratch. I mean it wasn’t an opportunity, it was pushed in my face. Lol I didn’t give up, but dived in a lot deeper than I have ever had. I read all the weird occult material, from alchemy to obscure gnostic scripture trying to find answers where there were none. Trying to find strength where weakness was all there could be found.

Now I’m into Buddhistm lately. The Upanishads are a wonderful piece of art which doesn’t give much answers, but gives a sense of peace. In the meantime I thought I’d make my hobby into my job, so I started this website. Here I’ll post my journey, and hopefully connect with some of you in a meaningful way. I’d love to touch someone’s soul in the process.

I hope to turn this blog into a weekly thing.



About the Author

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