The Upanishads: Ancient Spiritual Texts for Understanding the Hindu Faith

$ 13,99


Discover the spirituality of the Hindu faith through the Upanishads, ancient Sanskrit texts containing its most important spiritual aspects.


Delve into the essence of the Hindu faith through the pages of The Upanishads, translated with annotations by famous Indologist and Sanskritologist F. Max Muller. This ancient manuscript, a part of the Vedas, is an essential guide for understanding Hindu spirituality. Muller’s translation includes the Upanishads of principal importance: Chandogya, Kena, Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Isa, Katha, Mundaka, Taittiriyaka, Brhadaranyaka, Svetasvatara, Prasna, and Maitriyana. The Upanishads are not meant to be read as a systematic philosophy but as a way to understand the true self and find it in the eternal Self, the One without a second, which underlies the whole world.

Muller’s annotations provide a vast amount of insight and detail, making his translation a complete two-volume set. This edition presented here is printed on premium acid-free paper in a convenient single volume. Students of the Hindu faith will find this book to be an insightful roadmap towards spirituality and enlightenment.


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