Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil

$ 21,95


Unlock the mysteries of Saturn and transform its frustrating influences into opportunities for personal growth.


In the astrology world, Saturn is often viewed as the harbinger of delays, pressures, and disappointment. However, world-renowned astrologer and Jungian analyst Liz Greene offers a fresh perspective on this much-maligned planet in her classic astrology text, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil.

Through her unique psychological approach, Greene offers guidance on how to handle Saturn’s influence and turn frustrating experiences into opportunities for greater insight and self-discovery. She dives into the character of the planet through its various astrological placements, analyzing its role in mythology and its aspect in synastry. Ultimately, Greene posits that Saturn symbolizes a psychic process that can lead to greater consciousness and eventual freedom.

This Audible audiobook edition, narrated by Christine Kiphart, offers a convenient way to delve into Greene’s perspective on Saturn. The paperback edition is also available, with a new foreword by leading astrologer and author Robert Hand. Whether you’re a beginning or professional astrologer, Greene’s Saturn offers a unique lens through which to view this planetary influence and harness its transformative power.


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